Dr. Jochen Biedermann

Jochen Biedermann is a member of the Finance Loop Advisory Board.

Jochen is the Managing Director World Alliance of International Financial Centers (WAIFC), and a Managing Partner FinTech Consult. Jochen Biedermann has a master’s degree in mathematics & computer science from the University of Goettingen, and a Ph.D. in mathematics from the University of Cottbus, Germany. For over two decades, he has been a regular lecturer and external supervisor for the Frankfurt School of Finance & Management. He has given guest lectures at leading universities and business schools in Europe, America, and Asia.

Jochen on LinkedIn
Dr. Jochen Biedermann

Managing Director of World Alliance of International Financial Centers

Since 2018, Jochen Biedermann has served as Managing Director of the World Alliance of International Financial Centers (WAIFC), an international non-profit association registered in Belgium, representing 30 leading international financial centers across five continents. WAIFC members are government agencies, associations, and similar institutions developing and promoting their financial centers. WAIFC facilitates cooperation between its members, exchanging best practices and communication with the general public.

WAIFC Website
Managing Director of World Alliance of International Financial Centers

Managing Partner of FinTech Consult

Jochen is the Managing Partner of FinTech Consult, a network of FinTech experts in Asia, Europe, and Africa supporting FinTechs in raising capital and expanding globally. He also sits on the board of Eastnets, a world-leading provider of compliance, payment protection, and anti-fraud technologies.

Website of Fintech Consult
Managing Partner of FinTech Consult

Financial Expert and Advisor

Jochen is also an expert at the Sino-German Center for Finance and Economics in Frankfurt, backed by the central banks, government institutions, and leading universities in China and Germany, a fellow of the Think Tank of the Asian Financial Cooperation Association (AFCA), based in Beijing, and a founding board member of the International Digital Economies Association (IDEA), based in Hong Kong.

He is a long-standing advisor at Frankfurt Main Finance, the Frankfurt Financial Center initiative. Furthermore, he is a mentor at Cyberport in Hong Kong, OneEleven in Toronto, the Plug and Play Tech Center, the Accelerator Frankfurt, and 1000 Black Voices. Jochen sits on the board of several FinTech companies. Finally, he is a working group member of Dubai’s new DIFC Digital Economy Court.

Jochen's blog
Financial Expert and Advisor

Founding Partners of Finance Loop:

TechQuartier - TQ - Frankfurt startup center - fintech hub - Web3 hub Frankfurt am Main, Deutschland
Become a founding partner

January 2025: We are currently assembling renowned founding partners from finance and the blockchain industry who will appear on all pages of this website and get additional benefits. Interested in joining as a founding partner? Send an email to: team@finance-loop.de

Finance Loop