Finance Loop is a founding member of the German Bitcoin Association

Published on September 26, 2024.

Finance Loop is a founding member of the German Bitcoin Association

Finance Loop, a community for finance and emerging technologies, is a founding member of the Bitcoin Bundesverband (BTCBV, the German Bitcoin Association). Bitcoin Bundesverband was founded today (September 26, 2024) in Berlin, Germany.

"We are pleased about our membership in the German Bitcoin Association BTCBV and will actively support the industry," said Finance Loop co-founder Michael Wutzke, commenting on the membership. "This collaboration will allow us to provide both seasoned professionals and curious newcomers with the knowledge and tools they need to navigate the rapidly changing world of finance."

Finance Loop is a finance community and aims to better connect players in the financial sector. These activities are intended to explain to newcomers in the professional environment, but above all to interested professionals with prior knowledge, why and how new technologies - such as blockchains - can be used in finance, especially with regard to compliance and regulation.


The German Bitcoin Association, also known as "BTCBV" (Bitcoin Bundesverband), represents the interests of Bitcoin companies in Germany. More details:

About Finance Loop

Finance Loop is forming a community combining topics from traditional finance, emerging technologies, regulation, and compliance. Finance Yard is designed to connect people, organizations, and financial hubs to educate, shape opinions, and enable new business models for the financial services industry of the future. More details: 

Founding Partners of Finance Loop:

TechQuartier - TQ - Frankfurt startup center - fintech hub - Web3 hub Frankfurt am Main, Deutschland
Become a founding partner

January 2025: We are currently assembling renowned founding partners from finance and the blockchain industry who will appear on all pages of this website and get additional benefits. Interested in joining as a founding partner? Send an email to:

Finance Loop