Chapters of Finance Loop

The chapters are local user groups designed to foster collaboration. Our chapters bring together people, organizations, and financial hubs to educate, shape opionins, and enable new business models for the financial services industry of the future.

Anyone who is living in or nearby an existing chapter is invited to join. If you live in Germany and are interested in launching a chapter in a major city, please reach out to:

Chapters of Finance Loop

List of Chapters







Become a Network Partner

Finance Loop is seeking to collaborate with non-profits, meetup organizers, communities, financial hubs, and related organizations. Together, we want to educate, shape opinions, and enable new business models for the financial services industry of the future. And the best is: it's free!

Become a Network Partner
Become a Network Partner

Founding Partners of Finance Loop:

TechQuartier - TQ - Frankfurt startup center - fintech hub - Web3 hub Frankfurt am Main, Deutschland
Become a founding partner

January 2025: We are currently assembling renowned founding partners from finance and the blockchain industry who will appear on all pages of this website and get additional benefits. Interested in joining as a founding partner? Send an email to:

Finance Loop